Concepts. Advisory. Regeneration.

“Combining a passion for hospitality and real estate with a drive to regenerate communities, ecosystems and cultures.”

- Chalana Perera

Founder RETRACE Hospitality

Tourism consultancy services

  • For hospitality investors, property owners, developers or operators.

  • For hospitality owners or operators aspiring to create a holistic impact, with a triple-bottom line approach.

  • Repositioning and turnaround services for investors, owners and operators of distressed or underperforming hospitality assets.

  • For private investors, hotel owners, tourism authorities, donor agencies, property developers, hospitality and tourism entrepreneurs and/or MSMEs.

Project portfolio

Consultancies completed for projects across 15 districts in 6 of Sri Lanka’s 9 provinces.

Why retrace hospitality?

In December of 2020, following three decades of global travel and some years underwriting hotel investments, Chalana retraced his roots to the island of Sri Lanka. In his own words, “the pandemic inspired me to think differently; to reprioritize, reconnect with myself and recognize my purpose. . .”

Read the full story here.

Curated advisory. Regenerative hospitality.

“Regeneration is not just about lowering carbon footprint or certifying sustainability. Regeneration is about adding value through measurable systemic change.”


Why regenerate?

To regenerate is to grow or heal after loss or damage.

Imagine a world in which people and our planet thrive on the business of balance. If sustainability is about minimising damage and reducing negative impact, regeneration is about perpetual improvement that reinforces positive impact.

Regenerative systems promote a purposeful paradigm shift for hospitality and real estate businesses, creating abundance to enhance the well-being of all stakeholders.

Where opportunities are plentiful

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Why Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka provides astute hospitality and real estate investors a wealth of opportunity to create value. All this, at the crossroads of East and West.

With an evolving tourism landscape that is marred by crises, Sri Lanka presents fertile grounds for regeneration. Conscious investors can retrace an island where local communities and native customs balance the well-being of people and our planet.

Quantifying an isle of hospitality

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A pay-it-forward percentage.

Leading by example, contributing a portion of earnings from client mandates towards environmental regeneration. Clients can select from a range of projects and organisations that protect or regenerate vulnerable ecosystems. These ecosystems are the lifeline of our economies.

Travel Curation, for Conservation.

Get insider advice on Sri Lanka’s best kept secrets, while giving back to the island’s biodiversity!

Organic content*, featured on:

*RETRACE Hospitality employs a strict no payment policy for press features and media coverage. No payments were made nor received for any of the below press features.

  • Facilitating responsible investments in hospitality and real estate.

  • Championing resource-restorative hospitality development.

  • Promoting impactful projects that drive positive change.

  • Nurturing circular models, realigning people, planet and profit.

  • Recalibrating hospitality advisory, for a better future.